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Anselm Hannemann Web Development
Hofmark 14
82393 Iffeldorf
Call: +49 172 263 97 09
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(UStID as of §27a UStG, Germany)
Person in charge as of §55 Abs.2 RStV
Anselm Hannemann (contact as above)
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See my Terms of Service (German: "Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen"). They are valid for all projects and contracts with my person or company.
The provided information on the website has been proved and is updated periodical. We can't give warranty to the information for being all-up-to-date every time. All information can be edited or removed at any time without announcement. Despite accurate control, we can't give liability to external weblinks.
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Except for the anonymized server logs, I don’t have any information about my visitors. I don’t care about statistics and want to protect your privacy. Find more information on the Privacy Policy page.