as Article As already announced I now switched my engine behind the whole site. From MODX CMS I am now using static files generated through Jekyll and rendered on GitHub's pages CDN. What has changed? Pretty much changed. Beginning with the backend which I dropped completely in favor of Jekyll, followed by rewriting the complete frontend code including a complete design change. It is a fresh, new website … -
as Article Catch up! Second reading list for this week. Again wonderful content came up so I decided to show them to you as usual on Friday even the last list was published only two days ago. A draft how to order your CSS selectors. Many good thoughts in it, so if you care about your CSS read it! Mariana Mota wrote a lovely blog post for Designers, have you ever attended a hackday? Do it. and mentions good …Reading List 4-13
as Article Boom! New link list this week has some very cool stuff for you! Read: After several months of work my project with Andre Jay Meissner and Christian Schäfer called opendevicelab.com just launched! This project helps you to find places where you can test websites, web-apps on many mobile devices. Problematic of the HTML5 semantic elements describes why several HTML5 elements do not work. Everyone …Reading List 2-13
as Article Lots of new interesting articles have been released in the past days that are worth sharing: [infographic comparing a centralized service with a distributed client-web] http://thenittygritty.co/content/home/004-the-future-of-the-web-a-draft/fossystart@2x.png Today The Nitty Gritty published a huge article by Bastian Allgeier: A draft for the future of the web. This is an excellent read going …Reading List 3-13
as Article From time to time I find enough time to read technical books. When I heard that a book for HTML5 Boilerplate, my favorite HTML framework I've been using for years now, is coming I just had to read it. First, the book starts with the basics of the HTML5 Boilerplate. It explains the components of it, like clearfix, normalize.css, modernizr, etc. Most of you won't need to read that but it adds to …Book: HTML5 Boilerplate Development
as Article Freshly recovered from one week of holidays I now catch up the latest things happened between Christmas and now. And as usual I am again a bit late with the list. Ooh, that is a harsh title. But Yoav Weiss knows what he's talking about when he says: Bandwidth media queries we don't need them Bryan Jones introduced its own HTML preprocessor in CodeKit 1.4. This means you now can use variables in …Reading List 1-13
as Article This will be the last Reading List for this year and at that time also a space for some announcements. Unless tomorrow world explodes, 2013 will be an awesome year! Holidays First, I will be in holidays for the next few days and back on January, 6th. Don't expect an answer or anything else via email, twitter oder other communication. I won't have access to phone or internet during this time. …Merry Christmas and… a Reading List
as Article I missed last weeks reading list due to some outage of my site. I apologize and hope to compensate with this list which is even longer. Enjoy! Last week: The Nitty Gritty is a new frontend development resource with high-level articles created by fellows @drublic and @hellokahlil. jQuery - The little things - 2 by @rodneyrehm tells you about JavaScript security and some useful jQuery helpers Think …Weekly Reading List
as Article Yesterday Rupert Murdoch announced the end of 'The Daily' for the iPad. Media gone wild but actually the failure is no surprise. Rupert Murdoch is a clever man who invested a lot of money in his tablet product very early. He was one of the men who did understand that a tablet magazine cannot be a print-derivate and also costs money you won't get back after just a few months. Nevertheless he now …You wonder why 'The Daily' failed?
as Article After another week not maintaining my list (I apologize!) here are a bunch of new and interesting links. Offline First shares some thoughts why you should decouple your webapp from the server and other online dependencies Again W3C, WHATWG and developers are in a fight about a new element. After picture it is now about the <main>-element a rather sad story for web standards as this element …Reading List #26
as Article Recently I often had discussion wether conference video coverage should be available for free regardless one attended to the conference or not. Time to ask you! I would be pleased if you spread the word and share this post. I want to make a real survey here with enough votes to be representative for everyone. Until now I received by far not enough votes yet. When I reach at least 1000 votes, I …Should conference coverage be free for everyone?
as Article The 25th anniversary of the Reading List on my blog will be just another… list! Nothing special, just the facts of the week. The planning minutes of RICG – feedback from TPAC, improving srcset, file bugs, complete website, Drupal8 launch Fixing the ApplicationCache with an iFrame – FT tells how to do that. Crazy stuff! Reinventing the Web Kill the password! because it's unsafe. Excellent and long …Reading List #25
as Article after a short break of one week, the Reading List is back! Responsive Images at #TPAC 2012 in Lyon, presented by Marcos Cacares and Yoav Weiss: https://vimeo.com/52789903 Roundup video of TestTheWebForward in Paris 2012. Read the blog entry by Adobe Team, too. https://vimeo.com/52914691 This is the real world that browsers & users deal with. mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-centra… & …Reading List #24
as Article With my new layout I have a high performance web blog now. With just a hand full of requests and nearly now assets it is super fast. Roundup: removed typekit (saves nearly ~250kb) and ~8 requests, using "Helvetica Neue" removed unnecessary content (social blabla) removed comments removed all images (except content images on blog entries) Now I have a blog using 9.81kb of space, 5 requests and a …I am a high performance blog
as Article After being quiet for several weeks here on my blog (except the weekly reading lists) I want to share some of the recent things that have happened on responsive images. There has been quite some progress since the last article. The W3C ResponsiveImagesCommunityGroup lead by Mat Marquis has grown to 168 participants as of today. It is great to have so much support and the support by group members …Update on responsive images
as Article I'm in rush, have to catch my train to Paris so just the raw list today :) Make your own GitHub with GitLab ResponsiveImages.org is live and covers the main parts of the spec, the issues and the use-cases. Check it out! Your own Crowdfunding with SelfStarter The Future of Markdown rvl.io - ya know reveal.js? This is the online editor and platform Joshua Davis at BTPlay: https://vimeo.com/52161889Reading List #23
as Article Another week, another list. I stumbled upon several links that are very interesting (at least for me). So check it out! Kirby CMS has been released in new versions. Your mobile site is slower than you think Simulate different network conditions with Network Link Conditioner for Max OS X Responsive image proposals gather pace on netmag How to build good HTML5 Form validation: CONSTRAINT …Reading List #22
as Article This week was stuffed with great content on the web. I still have about 35 tabs opened in my browser to read on. So this reading list will be big. But as every week the web changes and evolves fast! First I want to promote an event here because it is in my personal interest to get as many interested people there as possible… Help Test The Web Forward! Hans wrote about the last weeks stuffed with …Reading List #21
as Article I wrote some notes at the Fronteers Conference 2012 and I now want to share them with you. They are made analogue so they are just photos here. If you want to know more, please look at the Schedule. note of session Adapting to Responsive Design by Mark Boulton note of session The New And Improved Developer Toolbelt by Addy Osmani note of session A Pixel is not a Pixel by Peter-Paul Koch note of …Notes on Fronteers 2012
as Article Last Tuesday I was invited to join the Adobe CreateTheWeb tour in London. Adobe just announced and released a bunch of promising Edge suite tools for web designers and developers so I was expecting a great event to come… And I had not been disappointed by Adobe. After my re-eye flight to London I met Jay and Sven in Heathrow. Rodney, Hans and Christian were already at the venue when we arrived at …CreateTheWeb London
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