Introducing WDRL

For nearly two years now I constantly wrote the so called and beloved by many 'Reading Lists' on my blog. This is going to have an end by now. What sounds sad for many is exciting for me.

I never was convinced that my blog is the proper place for the Reading Lists. Until now it was just the best I had found. In the past weeks it came into my mind what the Reading Lists are really supposed to achieve:


Reading Lists are for people who weren't able to follow all the articles and news about web development in the past week or two. Fixing that by providing just another blog post couldn't be the answer to that. Trying to fix that I realized this being tough as every reader has his own reading behavior.

One thing was important for me: Archives of the Reading Lists. What haven't been there for the past 50 Reading Lists on my blog should definitely be fixed in the new project. Further, I wanted to target the users that are not on my twitter stream.

The result of my considerations is the new "Web Developer's Reading List" which also has its source on github. While it basically is a Newsletter served through the awesome service TinyLetter you can also read the issues online in the Archives.

After just five days I already have a lot of subscribers and just sent out the first issue of the WDRL two days ago. The feedback I received over the last week gives me the reassurance that giving the Reading Lists a new home was the right decision. That honestly makes me very happy — finally I feel this might be the proper channel for this kind of content.

I want to thank you for all your support and feedback, keep it coming and support the Reading List by just recommending it to other people.

Cheers, Anselm