The last WDRL edition is already two months old now, and while I do have content in place for another edition the reason why I don’t send out another one currently is that I don’t have the time to fix my partially upgraded WDRL project.
In January when PHP8 came out I decided to upgrade the WDRL project from Kirby 2 to Kirby 3. I knew it won’t be straight forward since I used a lot of custom code and custom API stuff. Still, I started the migration and three work days later I stopped it to work on other things. I realized it’ll take about one or two more days and since then, I haven’t found these few hours.
I’m still on parental leave as well and using most of the remaining time for seeding plants in the greenhouse or working in the garden for the upcoming veggie season. It’s hard to have a work-work balance, especially with a family.
But I’m sure I’ll find the time to bring WDRL back to life and I have no plans to stop the project.
What I did stop working on is Colloq, it will shut down end of March unfortunately. Our plan didn’t work out but that’s life and we learned a lot. I’ll write up more separately once I find the time for that.