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  1. as Note

    Dear Flattr, <strong>bye bye!</strong>

    Flattr just announced they’re now part of eyeo, makers of AdBlock Plus. Time to say goodbye, and no it’s mainly due to a different reason. When Flattr announced their revamped product yesterday via email, they also announced that they’re now part of eyeo (they seem to already be, without notifying anyone earlier). That’s a huge bummer as the makers of AdBlock Plus are a highly questionable …
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    Which Tech Giant Would You Drop? <strong>Here’s my take.</strong>

    There’s a very well written quiz on the New York Times. It’s called: “The Big Five tech companies increasingly dominate our lives. Could you ditch them?”—and here’s my public response and some thoughts on it. This note is inspired by Jeena’s post on this topic, in which he shares his personal result list. My order of dropping tech giants First of all, note that this isn’t an order of relevance …
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    Using <code>flow-root</code> today

    You can use the new display: flow-root value today. It’s available in Firefox 53 and Chrome 58 which both have been released this week. And thanks to @supports, we can easily apply it already. Visit Demo on JSBin directly. Native “clearfix” Rachel Andrew has a good introductory article on the new native method to fix containers with floats inside. The new display value has only recently been …
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    <strong>Good Services Are Never Free</strong>

    “B2B SaaS pricing is out of control. Everyone is pricing their service for endlessly-funded startups or enterprise.”— Jonnie Hallmann on Twitter Maybe—just a thought—Venture Capital isn’t spread everywhere anymore. Maybe startups need to finally think about having a sustainable business model and maybe that is why so many services start to charge more money than we’re used to. If you need Circle …
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    Brexit Negotiations, Europol And The Fear Of Missing Big Data

    Yesterday, the Brexit negotiations started and they are as populistic as we already would expect it from UK’s new leader Theresa May—in the end she lurked to the EU that she would exit from Europol as well if negotiations are not reaching an acceptable agreement for them. As observable already in the past few months, the British leadership is aiming to obey existing rules for an exit of a member …
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    On “<a href=";&gt;Why I Haven’t Fixed Your Issue Yet</a>”

    Tobias Tom sent me this article over the weekend and I really liked to read it. Michael Bromley shares good points in why maintaining open source projects is so hard, while creating projects is very easy. He acknowledges that an open source author has “taken on a small portion of responsibility to you as a user of my code”, and points out one of the most important facts that users of open source …
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    Get your <strong>HTTP Status Code</strong> Right

    Today I noticed that a couple of big websites do prevent me from checking a URL’s HTTP Status Code via curl. See the following header response from a Medium-served custom-domain (doesn’t happen with URLs): curl -I HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict Error 409: The request could not be …
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    Twitter <strong>Detox</strong>

    As of today, I decided to put both my accounts to a “private” state. This means only people that I follow and that follow me will be able to read my tweets. It’s the result of a small and unimportant harassment incident that made me realize how shitty the service really is when you need support. A week ago I received my first harassment tweet by a politically differently oriented person. In …
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    <strong>The World</strong> uses the Internet (differently)

    At some point during building a new web project we will define a browser support matrix. But if we’re honest, how do we usually define this list? Developers tend to add their bias regarding old, or browsers that don’t support all modern code standards. Other people in a project prefer to look into the current web server statistics and base their decision on these numbers. Both approaches are not …
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    <strong>Setting up S/MIME</strong> on macOS Sierra & iOS

    Setting up S/MIME is actually not that hard. That said, it’s probably still too nerdy for a normal user so this type of email encryption is likely not something for non-technical people. You need a Email certificate by an authority Of course you could create a certificate yourself but then no one would trust this manually so it’d be useless. However, there are a very few providers that offer …
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    Open Research Funding in Web Development

    With 16500 email readers and tens of thousands readers online, my WDRL project seems to be of big interest for many people. Understandable if we take into account how hard it is to keep up to date with web development technology. But how is this continuous research project financed? Mostly by myself. And that’s a problem. After four in terms of acceptance successful years, my project is still …
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    The Divergence of Developers — Think out of the Box

    On Twitter, we like to discuss the latest technologies and ideas like how to integrate CSS the best way into our web app stacks using ES6 modules. One after another ES7 feature is being pushed into browsers, and yet we tend to forget what the majority of developers need. It’s due to us living in this tiny bubble called Social Media—channels not everyone is following. When we look at what has been …
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    Peter Thiel’s <strong>Influence</strong>

    What we often overlook is the influence of individual people on companies and even us. With Peter Thiel’s support for Donald Trump, we need to reflect our decisions online again, and finally need to draw the necessary conclusions. Many of us in the web development industry indirectly live of Peter Thiel’s money. We use Facebook, we use PayPal, we use Salesforce, we use Asana, Stripe, OpenTable, …
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    Enough Vacation — An Individual Goal

    Let’s talk about vacation and time-off from your day to day job. I’m not a perfect example myself but in the last seven years working as a freelancer I’ve gotten some ideas about what my body expects from me, what my brain expects and how I need to force myself to take vacation. Some things I learned the harder way. It’s Geek Mental Health Week again but this post is not limited to “Geeks” or any …
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    Travelling <strong>Norway</strong>

    From September 6th to October 2nd 2016, me and my girlfriend travelled through southern Norway to discover the landscape, national parks and to get some distance to the every day work routine. Equipped with a custom build VW T5 camping bus, we experienced a lot and had a great adventure. Hiking along the southern coast of Norway is great. The uniqueness of a mixture of grass and rocks makes you …
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    <strong>Notes</strong> on “Managing Dedicated Time-Off And Vacation”

    I’m crappy at managing my vacation and forcing myself to rest. Don’t get me wrong, until I realize the truth, I think I’m good at this. Last weekend I suffered from health issues, and it’s still not entirely away. I don’t know exactly what’s the matter but reflecting on the roots of this, I realized that something has been very wrong for quite some time now. I claim to have an amazing life — …
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    How <strong>AMP supercharges link rot</strong>

    First of all, I’m not going to dismiss the huge performance benefits and research concepts of AMP here. There’s a more important story here to look at: Link rot. Yesterday, I read about a story where an artist lost his entire work when Google switched off the old Blogger platform. This threw thousands of blogs into nirvana. Google announced this, but the key problem remains: If the domain itself …
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    If you use <strong>Let’s Encrypt and have Apple News Bot</strong>, act now

    Since quite some time I wondered why Apple’s News Bot hehaves so agressively on WDRL’s site. It creates about 20-40000 requests to my server each day. This week I finally found the reason due to this article. AppleNewsBot is incompatible with Let’s Encrypt certificates and gets more agressive when detecting that it can’t fetch the data. Apparently, this issue has been reported to Apple already …
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    Using <strong>VPN and Tor for Web Development</strong>

    Many developers might ask why I would use a VPN or Tor network. Besides some of these networks being able to protect your privacy, they offer developers a huge other feature: Slowness and different locations to test your application and website. Check a CDN’s Cache If you use a CDN to serve your assets, you sometimes need to purge / invalidate the cache for a file. But most CDNs don’t do this …
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    Putting ourselves <strong>into Perspective</strong> as Developers.

    We spend hours, days into developing a small component of a complex web app but don’t appreciate a craftsman spending hours to fix our radiator. How weird is that? Let’s put ourselves into perspective more often and appreciate other people’s work. Why do we as people tend to overrate our own work while not appreciating other peoples’ work? Why would web development be better work and better paid …